Welcome to my blog!

Here you will be able to keep up with my most recent adventures in Photography! You'll find lots of bright colors, an abundance of smiling faces, tons of cute kids, and a whole lotta fun! Enjoy! All images of this blog and my website are copyright protected and are not to be copied or printed by anyone other than me! Click on any photo to enlarge it. Thanks for stopping by! Be sure and "like" my new Facebook page if you haven't already!

Monday, October 25, 2010

one BIG happy family!

I've known Jessica since elementary school so I was so excited when she called and inquired about a family session. I had never met her husband or cute kiddos and was looking forward to seeing her parents again after so many years! She said she wanted the pictures at her grandparents house and here was the catch, they wanted pictures of the WHOLE family! ALL 40 something members of the family that is! Grandma, Grandpa, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Brothers, Sisters, Nieces, & Nephews, OH MY! I knew it was going to be challenging and darn near impossible to get a shot where EVERYONE was looking at the camera, smiling, with their eyes open but we had a blast anyway! We also got some of the individual families and some of the kiddos. Hard to pick just a few of my favorites from this BIG family session so this share will be a big one!


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