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Here you will be able to keep up with my most recent adventures in Photography! You'll find lots of bright colors, an abundance of smiling faces, tons of cute kids, and a whole lotta fun! Enjoy! All images of this blog and my website are copyright protected and are not to be copied or printed by anyone other than me! Click on any photo to enlarge it. Thanks for stopping by! Be sure and "like" my new Facebook page if you haven't already!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dashing Dominic

Dominic was one of the good looking kiddos in my earlier post of the BIG happy family. His mom approached me at the family shoot and asked if I might be willing to take some head shots and other modeling poses of Dominic to use for an upcoming competition. I was really excited about this because A. I NEVER get to photograph boys B. I was pretty convinced from the get go that Dominic was going to make it to the big time, become a famous model, and hire me as his personal traveling photographer. ;) Kidding. Well kind of. When Dom & his mom met up with me I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm not around boys very often! lol But, he was well behaved, cooperative, and absolutely adorable! I had no doubts that he would go far with this modeling thing! We location hopped a bit and got a ton of great shots of his many expressions! I was also super excited to hear from his mother today that he did great in his competition and was selected to go on to L.A.! Congrats Dom, don't forget me when you're famous! Yes, yes another big share, but did I mention that this child is super star material!??!?!


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