Welcome to my blog!

Here you will be able to keep up with my most recent adventures in Photography! You'll find lots of bright colors, an abundance of smiling faces, tons of cute kids, and a whole lotta fun! Enjoy! All images of this blog and my website are copyright protected and are not to be copied or printed by anyone other than me! Click on any photo to enlarge it. Thanks for stopping by! Be sure and "like" my new Facebook page if you haven't already!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Makin' a cake

I often get so caught up in the photography side of my business that I don't often talk about the cake side. Although I am not taking as many orders as I once was, I do still take the occasional order. I used to wonder why people charged so much money for custom cakes. I mean after all were talking flour, water, and sugar right?!?!! Little did I know what all making a custom cake entailed. I thought I would share with you the process involved with making one of my cakes. Forgive the grainy photos (they came from my cell phone) and the few missing steps. Sometimes I get so caught up in what I'm doing I get sidetracked and I completely forgot to snap some pics of a few parts. But just so you know when you ask for a custom cake, it's likely an all day event from the planning to the baking and decorating. I often get last minute calls asking if I can have a cake ready in a day or so. The answer plainly is NO! I am not HEB guys! I have 2 kids, lots of pictures to take and edit, a deployed husband, and a whole lotta NO extra time. So please don't be offended if I have to turn down a cake order, nothing personal, it's just alot of work so place your orders early. Because I limit the amount of cakes I will do in a single weekend, I tend to book up rather quickly! Click on the pictures to read the captions...


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