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Here you will be able to keep up with my most recent adventures in Photography! You'll find lots of bright colors, an abundance of smiling faces, tons of cute kids, and a whole lotta fun! Enjoy! All images of this blog and my website are copyright protected and are not to be copied or printed by anyone other than me! Click on any photo to enlarge it. Thanks for stopping by! Be sure and "like" my new Facebook page if you haven't already!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Aubee (Taylor's BFF)

You know, I can't really recall when or where it was that I met Jennifer but we've been best friends for quite some time now. So naturally Taylor & Aubrey or "Aubee" as Tay calls her are lil' BFFs too! Jenn & I had been discussing Aubrey's 2 year session for months and it seemed that something always came up and we had to reschedule. I was ecstatic that we finally were able to get them done! I took Taylor on this session with me. Don't worry, I'm not normally that unprofessional and for your session, my tiny assistant will stay with GramGram but, since it was Aubee, I couldn't resist but to make a playdate of it! I wish I had thought to dress Taylor in something cute and picture worthy too because she was a serious ham that day! Anywho, Aubrey is absolutely ridiculously adorable so I know you will enjoy every tiny little second of this huge share! Love you girls!

and one more for the road and then I'm done I swear! I know it's not really part of her session but how sweet are they?!?!?


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